Category Archives: Politics

Father and daughter lobbying

Moti and his daughter go to Topeka to express themselves on the matter of clean energy.

The Kansas Racial Profiling Act revisited

Amendments to the present bill seem to fix some problems and create a whole new set of difficulties.

Read to finish

Mark McCormick likes to engage with his readers. It is much easier to engage with them if they actually, like, read his whole column before they respond.

Who will wear the headdress?

Boston Tea party reenactment in the Wichita area. Perhaps the British will get the message this time.

Coal powered cartoon

It’s another Crowsonific visual jab at Topeka’s variable assessments of what constitutes healthy air.

Wondering about Crowson’s take on coal in Kansas?

The questions is answered; visually of course.

The NAACP’s legislative and policy projects

Five areas the local branch will focus on this session.

The president we want

Blog Meridian briefly discusses the discussion about President Obama’s blackness.

Classic wisdom

Great ideas never die, they just continue to be rediscovered.

Congratulations, now lets get going

Michael Steele is the new chair person of the Republican National Committee. Kevin Myles, president of the Wichita chapter of the NAACP, has some thoughts on Steele and his election.

His hair was perfect

Rod Blagojevich. He is making it hard for any one to believe him. Can you imagine being his PR person?

Now what?

Optimism, pride and a sense that the country is moving in the right direction. Kevin finds all these, and more, in the election of Barack Obama. But he is concerned about unrealistic expectations:

We must be cautious that we don’t raise our level of expectations so high that they become unrealistic. We can not allow ourselves to believe that President Obama can somehow solve all of society’s ills. We must be realistic about what a President can accomplish. For if we are to escape the weight of fallen expectations, if we are to avoid the unintended consequences of a dream deferred, then we as Americans will all have to pitch in and work towards the fulfillment of our newly formed dreams.

Crowson’s view of the inauguration

Richard Crowson’s cartoons may not appear in the Eagle anymore but you can still have them delivered to your home or office. His visual take on this week’s events. In color!

Dave is on a curmudgeonly roll

First he goes after himself, but not too harshly, for being an American Idol fan.

Bush’s farewell speech? Not on his DVR.

Standing ovations for every performance? He’s not getting up unless it’s really, really good.

Then there’s the word-axe he takes to the inauguration celebration.

Douglas and Main subscribes to the Dave Knadler school of reality therapy. Plus, he makes us laugh at least once a post.

Red or Green

Bob Weeks has a guessing game for you.